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KMT STELLRAM - каталог решений для высокопроизводительного фрезерования - 2014 год EN

                                                для размещения заказа - kennametal@kennametal.su                                                             7792VX
                                                                                                                                                 Technical Information

Plunging                                                              Scallop Height                               The scallop height is
                                                                                                                   calculated in relation
   Tool                                                                                                            to the step over.

Insert                             Workpiece                            Stepover                                   The maximum radial engagement is directly
                           ae (Maximum)                                                                            in relation to insert cutting edge length.
                                                The cutting edge should not be in contact with
                                                the material face after machining to maintain                      For insert type: XP…06 the ae, max is 3mm.
                                                the cutting edge quality.                                          For insert type: XD…09 the ae, max is 6mm.
                                                                                                                   For insert type: XD…12 the ae, max is 9mm.
                                                                                                                   For insert type: XE…16 the ae, max is 13mm.

Plunging Information (mm) tool definition-scallop height and step over

                                                                                             Tool definition (mm)

  Diameter             7792VXP06                   7792VXD09                  32                         7792VXD12          125    160     63    7792VXE16            160
  Insert size                                                                 12                                             12     12     16                          16
                    16 20 25 32                 25 32 40 50                    9              52 63 66 80 100                 9      9     13    80 100 125            13
   ae max           6666                        9999                                          12 12 12 12 12                                     16 16 16
Scallop height      3333                        6666                         5,63              99999                        11,17  12,64  7,92   13 13 13             12,64
                                                                             7,94                                           15,78  17,86  11,18                       17,86
     0,25           3,97   4,44   4,97   5,63   4,97    5,63   6,30   7,05   9,68                Step over (mm)             19,31  21,86  13,67  8,93   9,99   11,17  21,86
     0,50           5,57   6,24   7,00   7,94   7,00    7,94   8,89   9,95   11,14                                          22,27  25,22  15,75  12,61  14,11  15,78  25,22
     0,75           6,76   7,60   8,53   9,68   8,53    9,68   10,85  12,16  15,49           7,19 7,92 8,11 8,93 9,99       31,37  35,55  22,09  15,42  17,26  19,31  35,55
     1,00           7,75   8,72   9,80   11,14  9,80    11,14  12,49  14,00  18,65           10,15 11,18 11,44 12,61 14,11  38,26  43,41  26,83  17,78  19,90  22,27  43,41
     2,00           10,58  12,00  13,56  15,49  13,56   15,49  17,44  19,60  21,17           12,40 13,67 13,99 15,42 17,26  44,00  49,96  30,72  24,98  28,00  31,37  49,96
     3,00           12,49  14,28  16,25  18,65  16,25   18,65  21,07  23,75  23,24           14,28 15,75 16,12 17,78 19,90  48,99  55,68  34,06  30,40  34,12  38,26  55,68
     4,00                                       18,33   21,17  24,00  27,13  24,98           20,00 22,09 22,63 24,98 28,00  53,44  60,79  36,99  34,87  39,19  44,00  60,79
     5,00                                       20,00   23,24  26,46  30,00  26,46           24,25 26,83 27,49 30,40 34,12  57,48  65,45  39,60  38,73  43,59  48,99  65,45
     6,00                                       21,35   24,98  28,57  32,49  27,71           27,71 30,72 31,50 34,87 39,19  61,19  69,74  41,95  42,14  47,50  53,44  69,74
     7,00                                                                    28,77           30,66 34,06 34,93 38,73 43,59  64,62  73,73  44,09  45,21  51,03  57,48  73,73
     8,00                                                                                    33,23 36,99 37,95 42,14 47,50                46,04  48,00  54,26  61,19  77,46
     9,00                                                                                    35,50 39,60 40,64 45,21 51,03                47,83  50,56  57,24  64,62  80,97
     10,00                                                                                   37,52 41,95 43,08 48,00 54,26                49,48  52,92  60,00  67,82  84,29
     11,00                                                                                   39,34 44,09 45,30 50,56 57,24                50,99  55,10  62,58  70,82  87,43
     12,00                                                                                                                                       57,13  64,99  73,65
     13,00                                                                                                                                       59,03  67,26  76,32

Max. flat surface (mm)                                                                       Helical interpolation capacity for 7792VX (mm)

        Insert size        Cutter dia.          Pitch                                        Insert Size           Cutter dia.     Hole min.            Hole max.
                                  16             7,60                                                                  16              22                   30
                                                11,60                                                                  20              30                   38
                06                20            16,60                                                                  25              40                   48
                                  25            23,60                                                                  32              54                   62

                                  32            11,75
                                  25            26,75                                                              25 34 48
                09                32                                                         09                    32 48 62
                                  40            10,60                                                              40 64 78
                                  50            44,60                 Helical Interpolation                        50 84 98
                                                47,60                          Flat
                                  32            61,60                                                              32 42 62
                                                81,60                   Facing Pitch
                                  52            106,60                                                             52 82 102
                                  63                                                                               63 104 124
                12                66            54,45                                        12                    66 110 130
                                  80            74,45                                                              80 138 158
                                  100           134,50                                                             100 178 198

                                  125                                                                              125 228 248

                                  160                                                                              160 298 318

                                     63                                                                              63 96 124
                                                                                                                     80 130 158
                                     80                                                      16 100 170 198
                16 100                                                                                              125 220 248
                                                                                                                    160 290 318

www.kennametal.su                                                                                                                                                     15

                                                        для заказа - kennametal@kennametal.su